Friday, August 14, 2009

Are You Fit?

It's that time of the year again and 2009 promises to be exciting for the Cougars! The players have reported back to Charleston and, after a few meetings, the first order of business was our fitness test. This allows the coaching staff to measure the preparation of each player coming into the start of the season.

This years test was a series of shuttle runs. Each player had to complete 12 runs within a given time frame. The test results were very solid overall. Out of our 30 player roster, we had 21 players pass 12/12. Two players couldn't participate due to injuries that they carried coming into preseason.

The test was broken up into 4 groups and below were the top performers from each group.

Group 1: Jake Helmig, Steven Nagy, Matt Morris
Group 2: Sean Flatley, Justin Fojo, Branko Gavric
Group 3: Wes Murphy, Andrew Autenzio, Rudi Hellberger
Group 4: Robbie Benson, Shawn Ferguson, Tyler Vukoder

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