Monday, September 21, 2009

Justin Fojo's Philadelphia Blog

Justin is a junior midfielder from Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and boasts one of the teams top GPA's with a 3.8!

When we arrived in Philadelphia, the temperature was the first thing we all noticed. We all all immediately went for our "hoodies" and "CofC jackets." Taking that first breath of coolness suddenly set the mood for this trip. We started off admiring the old factories and historic ports thinking to ourselves of the history before us. After getting a bite to eat we met at the Independence Square downtown, seeing statues of Willam Penn, the Liberty Bell, and the lovely infrastructure within the city. My mates and I visited the famous "Rocky" memorial near the art museum and quickly emulated the great Rocky Balboa by running up the long flight of stairs, hoodies on and boxing thin air. It was great!

Waking up buzzing with excitement for our new challenge the vibe seemed right, sharp and proper. We visited the wonderful Lehigh facility and were somewhat skeptical about the type of grass we weren't accostumed too. This night was slippery! We started off the game extremely flatfooted and slow to every ball. We did not high pressure like we can and as a result were being dominated for much of the first half. We came out in the second half fighting, hungry as ever and were starting to take control. We were winning air balls, playing more direct and keeping the ball in the attacking third and midfield. The night ended in a 2-3 loss but we went down fighting! We had to think about our next challenge....and that was it.

Sleep, recover, replenish, rehydrate and focus was my theme for the next day. It was great relaxing with my roomie Steven Nagy, listening to music, watching the tele and reading the autobiography on Steven Gerrard my coach suggested that I read! Eating good meals was great too, everyone on the team knows I can put down anything in front of me, I get jokes from the boys all the time. I got a chance to meet with Vernon Skinner, a man with a lot of football knowledge. He gave me advice on how to be a better player and how psychological the game can be. It was great talking to him! Night fell and my thoughts were purely about winning the game tomorrow.

We knew we had to get the "W" this game, that's why we flew up for this trip, to win! Entering Bucknell's facility my jaw dropped, I had never seen such a quality College level facility. This game was a true test of our commitment and devotion to our team. There was a lot to play for against Bucknell as our school's President and Athletic Director took the time to come see us play! It was an honor to play in front of President Benson and Joe Hull and get the result we wanted. I was humbled by this whole experience and it will definitely be a trip I always remember.

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